Saturday, October 3, 2015

"a stale paleoparthenoidean odor"

"the Nietzschean Übermensch [(surhomme)] emits, whatever he does, a stale paleoparthenoidean odor [(un relent paléoparthénoïde)].  As had happened to so many others, from Walt Whitman to Henry de Montherlant, when the voice of Zarathustra rises to [its] maximum to affirm the Beyond [Good and] Evil [(le surmâle)], a fatal squawk gives away the old maid in drag [(la vieille fille en travesti)].  The pathetic great man was as capable as your average bourgeois of deceiving himself as to [(pouvait bien s'illusionner bourgeoisement sur)] the initiatory virtues of a noctural descent into the Venetian brothel.  For lack of a better proof of a problematic virility, he brought back from there only the 'French disease'."

     Louis Bouyer, Religieux et clercs contre Dieu, Présence et pensée (Paris:  Aubier Montaigne, 1975), 51.  paléoparthénoïde < παλαιο-παρθεν-οειδης, old maid-like.

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