Sunday, April 9, 2017

Creation straining

"the reality infinitely outstrips the figure:  the lengthy germination of wheat and vine [(including, I would add, the fermentation and 'work of human hands' so indispensable to the transformation of grape and kernel into wine and (at least leavened) bread)] comes, through transubstantiation, to a head 'in the mystery of all this bread and all this wine that, across the immensity of space and time, comes to subsist only [(ne subsistent plus qu')] in the existence of the holy humanity of Jesus' (H.-M. Feret, "La messe rassembleent de la communauté," in La messe et sa catéchese, p. 275)....
     "The bread and the wine, utilized as figures of the Christian economy, signify the integration of the [whole] cosmos into the work of restoration.  The universe, solidary with [(solidaire de)] man, had lost its quality of sign; the sin of man had rendered it opaque, caught up as it was in the Fall.  The consecration of the bread and wine signifies the consecration of all things [in and] through the humanity of Christ; this consecration [(elle)] extends to the [entire] universe and founds the sacramental economy:  the progressive integration of all things into the unity of Christ....
"The death of Christ is a victory that catches up not only humanity, but the universal resurrection.  The dogma of the resurrection of the body gives expression to this integral recapture of matter and the universe up into a glorious life".

     Dictionnaire de spiritualité, sv "Eucharistie. I. Mystère eucharistique" (1961), cols. 1579-1581 (1553-1586), by Adalbert Hamman, italics mine.

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